Work Health & Safety (WHS)


These Work Health & Safety Policies will assist in meeting Work Health & Safety (WHS) obligations under the WHS Act 2012 and WHS Regulations 2012 and includes processes in place for management of WHS for Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd.
These Policies will be available for inspection by all relevant persons, including relevant workers, contractors, Health and Safety Representatives, contractors, relevant workers of contractors and government appointed inspectors.
These Policies will be monitored and updated as required and the most current copy will be kept at Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd head office.

Consultation, Cooperation & Coordination Policy

WHS legislation requires a Person who Conducts a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) to consult with their workers and other relevant persons on matters that will or are likely to directly affect their health and safety. Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd recognises the benefits that regular and effective consultation including, communication, cooperation and coordination can produce and is committed to fulfilling this duty.

Issue Resolution Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd has developed this Issue Resolution Policy in alignment to the requirements of the WHS legislation. This policy will provide guidelines for a consultative, systematic and fair approach to resolving any work health, safety or welfare (WHS) issue that may arise at Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd.

Remote & Isolated Work Policy

This policy outlines the commitment of Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd to ensure that safe systems of work are in place to reduce the likelihood of workers being injured from hazards associated with remote or isolated work.

Risk Management Policy

Risk is inherent in all Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd functions. All Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd personnel are responsible for managing the risks that relate to their particular area of work. Risks should be managed in a way that derives the best outcomes for Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd and its stakeholders.

Objectives & Targets Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is dedicated to providing a workplace that is free of injury and illness and promotes a culture of safety first. Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to making WHS an integral part of decision making in all operations.

Roles, Responsibilities & Accountabilities Policy

Successfully managing health and safety in the workplace and environmental protection relies on commitment, consultation and co-operation.

Work Health & Safety Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd recognises its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers (including contractors and workers of contractors), clients and visitors to the workplace.

Contractor Management Policy

All contractors, sub-contractors and workers of contractors, engaged to perform work on Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd premises or other nominated locations, are required to comply with relevant Legislation, Standards, Codes of Practice, Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd health and safety policies, procedures and programs and to maintain current Public Liability and Worker’s Compensation insurance (if required).

Legislative Change Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for workers, contractors and visitors and embraces opportunities to improve knowledge about new legislation and best practice solutions.

Management Review Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd recognises the importance of reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of the Manual and objectives to identify opportunities for improvement

Compliance Evaluation Policy

In addition to striving for a safe and healthy workplace for all persons, Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to the continual development, improvement and implementation of work health and safety management systems to ensure it is compliant with relevant WHS and Worker’s Compensation legislation.

Internal Auditing

Auditing is an important and useful tool for assessing WHS compliance in a workplace.

Document & Record Keeping Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to the provision of a written Manual and to keeping records that meet legislative requirements

Incident Reporting Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to reducing the frequency, impact and severity of incidents in the workplace, and to comply with legislative requirements in regard to the notification and management of incidents.

Incident Investigation

Incident Investigation is an essential tool that is used to determine the causal factors of incidents in workplaces. A comprehensive, systematic Incident Investigation carried out with effective consultation can greatly assist to implement proactive prevention and intervention strategies to reduce the potential for further incidents of the same or similar nature.

Reporting Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to the provision of a functional and effective WHS management system and as such, understands the value in seeking feedback on certain elements of this.

Electrical Safety Policy

Electric shock can be received by either direct or indirect contact with an energised item, tracking through or across a medium (such as water), or by arching. Electrical burning and arching from equipment can also release toxic gases and air contaminants.

Hazardous Manual Tasks Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to preventing injuries caused by manual tasks through the identification of Hazardous Manual Tasks and implementation of suitable risk controls

Hearing Protection & Audiometric Testing Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd acknowledges that it has specific obligations under WHS legislation to manage the risks of hearing loss associated with exposure to noise at the workplace.

Falls Prevention Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to preventing injuries caused by falls, including falls from one level to another and falls on the same level through the identification of tasks and situations where a risk of falls is present and the implementation of suitable risk controls.

Plant & Equipment Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd recognises its responsibility to provide and maintain a safe workplace, including the identification of hazards and control of risks associated with plant and equipment.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy

The purpose of PPE is to protect the workers of Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd from exposure to workplace hazards. Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd will provide workers with suitable PPE for the workplace or where required for certain tasks at no cost to the worker.

Hazardous Chemicals & Dangerous Goods Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd recognises that some individual workers are required to use and handle chemicals, which are classified as Hazardous Chemicals and Dangerous Goods in the usual course of their work duties. All workplaces are required to comply with various Acts and Regulations regarding chemicals, including those classified as Hazardous Chemicals and Dangerous Goods

Health Surveillance Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd acknowledges that it has specific obligations under WHS legislation to undertake Health Surveillance if workers may be exposed to hazardous chemicals and processes which have the potential to result in disease or adverse health effects upon exposure. Health monitoring is not an alternative to implementing control measures.

Fitness for Work Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to provide a safe, healthy and productive workplace for workers and others through effective Risk Management of worker Fitness for Work hazards and risks.

Drug & Alcohol Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to providing a work environment for its workers, clients and visitors that is safe and without risks to health, welfare and safety. The misuse or abuse of alcohol and other drugs represents a significant problem to both PCBU’s and workers in terms of workplace incidents/near misses, absenteeism and other individual costs.

Fatigue Management Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of our workers. We believe that fatigue can cause the potential for fatalities or serious injuries to workers (including contractors and workers of contractors), visitors or members of the public and as such, are committed to the effective management of fatigue risks.

Return to Work Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd believes that its workers are Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd greatest assets. Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd is committed to prevent injury and illness by providing a safe and healthy working environment.

Workplace Bullying Policy

Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd recognises the risk to worker health, safety and welfare from exposure to bullying at work and has adopted a ZERO tolerance policy.

Training, Competency & Induction Policy

Training is vital to assist workers to perform their work safely. Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd will arrange training, which covers health, welfare and safety issues related to tasks being performed, as well as training in the overall approach to health and safety taken by our organisation. Archers Underground Services Pty Ltd will provide WHS induction for workers at any workplace where individual workers are assigned.

Legislation, Code or Standard

  • Environmental Protection Act 1994
  • Australian Standard AS2865 – 2009 Safe Working in a Confined Space and Code of Practice 2011
  • Tasmanian Work Health and Safety Act and Regulations(Tas) 2012
  • Australian Standard AS5488-2013 Classification of Subsurface Information
  • Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace Code of Practice 2013
  • Managing Risk of Plant in the Workplace Code of Practice 2013
  • How to manage Work Health and Safety Code of Practice 2011
  • Traffic Management for Construction Work or Maintenance Code of Practice 2008
  • Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 3 2013
  • WSA Code of Practice WSA-05-2013
  • CCTV AS4806.01 Australian Standard 2006